The 2020-2021 WVCA school year is going to be different from years past, but our mission of helping ALL children reach their potential remains the same.
You can help support our WVCA students this school year in a variety of different ways! Three unique WVCA programs are listed below and you can find more information at www.wvcakids.org/give. Thank you in advance for supporting our students, staff, and families!
1.) WVCA’s Round-Up Program: Donate your spare change to WVCA automatically when you swipe your debit or credit card. This is an easy and automatic way to make your small change have a BIG impact. Visit https://wvcakids.org/donate/#roundup
2.) BoxTops for Education: WVCA is proud to be a part of this program, you can clip traditional BoxTops or use the new app to scan your receipt. Learn more at https://wvcakids.org/…/BTFE_Overview-WVCA-Version-2020.p…
3.) WVCA still has items available on our Wish List! Donate an item easily through Amazon to help our classrooms this Fall. Link: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1QGK4IH5AKQAU…